New Insights Communication teaches hopeful Instigator-Empathizer communication tools for fast-changing times. New Insights specializes in customized effective communication and leadership workshops, personal growth counseling, family business consulting and marriage/family counseling. New Insights combines three decades of original therapeutic and training solutions to help individuals and organizations achieve higher levels of success. Our communication system Talk2Me© is the foundation of our diverse offerings. The Talk2Me© Playbook created by Dr. O'Grady, is a communication system geared around identifying your communicator type of Instigator or Empathizer to better understand, listen, predict, provide balanced feedback, and to communicate effectively during high pressure changing times. Talk2Me© is easy to learn, fun and exciting, and translates to both work and home. The Talk2Me© Communication System has impacted individuals, companies and marriages with over 50,000 people since the year 2000. It's been clinically tested and applied in couple counseling, hospitals and universities, government and family-owned businesses, and much more.