Co-Founder ⺠Employee Experience ⦠Employee Performance Software ⦠Feedback ⦠Transparency
Every leader understands the importance of KPIs and OKRs. They are a critical factor in determining the strength of an organization. It's easy to see the cost of downtime, shipping delays, customer churn, and safety. What we struggle to measure and conceptualize is the amount of output we're leaving on the table by not maximizing the human potential within our organizations. To maximize human potential, we have to enable our employees to win at their jobs every day. In fact, a major focus of efficiency frameworks, like Lean Manufacturing, addresses this exact idea. In Lean Manufacturing it's described as eliminating the "8 Wastes." The one that often gets the least amount of attention but can be the most devastating is "the waste of underutilized human potential." Can you see every day how your employees feel about your organization and what they're doing to help you win? This is the type of visibility the Blaze Digital Compass (BDC) provides. Our software gives you real time feedback and analysis on the health of your company and employees. It gives every employee a daily opportunity to tell you how they feel about work and how they're helping you to win! Our predictive dashboards let you know in advance if there are weaknesses or inefficiencies that are preventing your organization from maximizing its potential and leading your industry. The BDC is designed to magnify the three most important metrics of human potential and performance - Engagement, Productivity, and Retention.And by magnifying these three, your organization unlocks its full potential.