OUR MISSION STATEMENT To develop e2AMERICA as a leading company in the Cleantech Industry, providing technology solutions to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and to promote the importance of good energy management for the economic, social and environmental well-being of the planet.\\E2 ASSISTS BUSINESS \e2's technology assists businesses with the most fundamental need for every owner/manager - cost reduction. Corporate cultural changes within an organization have made some progress reducing the overall electricity costs. However, these conditioned human behaviors are subject to change, human error, constant management training and monitoring. \\ENERGY MANAGEMENT \With soaring energy costs and the very real probability of even higher electric bills, everyone should be eager to find ways to save on their electric usage and costs. While many businesses are more diligent about turning off lights, using less hot water and keeping the thermostat at a less comfortable temperature, their electric bills are still a major concern.\\Electric utilities may be pressed into building more plants and the environment is further stressed. The need for a sustainable technology to optimize the efficiency of electricity is not only important, it is absolutely essential. \\Check out our company's website for more information.