Bàcaro is derived from the Latin word 'Bacchus' which is the God of wine and intoxication and is the Venetian word to describe a humble unpretentious tavern or trattoria serving simple food and good, young local wines.They are typically a great meeting place for locals and friends and represent a wonderfully relaxed, convivial and simple environment where walking over the threshold leads you to a completely authentic Italian experience.At Venezia Bacaro the menu is inspired by original Venetian and regional Italian recipes. There is no compromise in the dishes, and the unusual ingredients on the menu are not often seen outside their traditional region in Italy.Cichèto is derived from the Latin word 'ciccus' meaning 'littlest quantity', a delicious, mouth watering titbit appetizers. A simple menu of cichèti is offered along with the traditional ‘ombra', a small tumbler of wine drunk at the shadow of San Marco's Campanile (tower bell) from the most exclusive wine list.Every afternoon from 5pm the ‘aperitivo' takes place following the Venetian tradition to drink an ‘ombra' or a Prosecco Spritz with Campari or Aperol accompanied by cichèti.