Despina Hrambanis

Law Clerk at Slater and Gordon Lawyers - Melbourne, Victoria, AU

Despina Hrambanis's Contact Details
+61 3 9602 6888
Slater and Gordon Lawyers
Despina Hrambanis's Company Details
Slater and Gordon Lawyers logo, Slater and Gordon Lawyers contact details

Slater and Gordon Lawyers

Melbourne, Victoria, AU • 1242 Employees

Slater and Gordon Lawyers is a leading consumer law firm in Australia. We employ over 800 people in 40 locations across Australia. Slater and Gordon’s mission is to give people easier access to world class legal services. The firm provides specialist legal and complementary services in a broad range of areas. Our Clients Our clients are people throughout Australia who are in need of a broad range of personal legal services. They want lawyers who are accessible and able to provide expert advice on their legal matters at an affordable price. Our clients come to us for individual legal needs, as well as group actions. They come from all backgrounds and socio-economic circumstances. Our History Slater and Gordon was founded in Australia in 1935. The company has grown from quite humble beginnings servicing the needs of unions and working people. We have built a powerful reputation throughout our history as a law firm that fights to achieve the best outcomes. From the many landmark legal cases we have won to the introduction of innovations such as No Win - No Fee*, we have been determined to ensure that more people are able to access affordable legal services. *Conditions apply. Our Services Slater and Gordon provides provides specialist legal and complementary services in a broad range of areas, including: Compensation Law, Superannuation and Insurance, Class Actions, Employment Law and Union Services.

Personal Legal Advice Legal Services Employment Law Affordable Legal Services
Details about Slater and Gordon Lawyers
Frequently Asked Questions about Despina Hrambanis
Despina Hrambanis currently works for Slater and Gordon Lawyers.
Despina Hrambanis's role at Slater and Gordon Lawyers is Law Clerk.
Despina Hrambanis's email address is *** To view Despina Hrambanis's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Despina Hrambanis works in the Legal/Attorney industry.
Despina Hrambanis's colleagues at Slater and Gordon Lawyers are Nichola Baker, Valerie Ng, Eclipse Moon, Diyana Perera, Emily Davies, Samantha Edgecombe, Ikenna Nwokolo and others.
Despina Hrambanis's phone number is +61 3 9602 6888
See more information about Despina Hrambanis