Prabhune Management Consultancy Co.(PMCC) is a reliable name in the Consultancy world for offering integrated Management Consultancy Services. Services offers by them are New Preliminary Project Report, Project Identification, Market survey, Techno Economic Feasibility Study, Arrangement for Technology transfer from India and abroad Finance Management from Indian Institute or NRI funding with joint venture capital from reliable financial sources. We are in a consultancy line more than 20 years and have successfully implemented more than 2000 projects in various fields like food, agro base, chemicals, mechanical, engineering, leather, garments etc. Our sister concern MLS Consultancy is offering liaising services or say supporting services for sufficient implementation of various projects both the units offering there services in all over India and with conditions to abroad also. Our another sister concern SVS's IMCON-SATARA offers Training and guidance for Entrepreneurship Development , Faculty Development from last 14 years.