LotusGroup Advisors cultivates a community of clients who Make. Life. Count. Quite different from your standard vanilla investment firm, LGA helps clients to provide stability and consistent cash flow...so that they may take greater risks on themselves. Our goal is to impact 100,000 lives to help them consistently bet more on themselves and to help change the world for the better.We are a Denver-based Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firm that combines innovative behavioral finance techniques with intriguing public and private investment programs to provide newly accredited clients with insider access to opportunities typically reserved for only the ultra wealth.LotusGroup works with clients that have a minimum of $500,000 of investable assets, who are either high-income business owners or working professionals. We also work with retirees or soon-to-be retirees who have $1,000,000 of investable assets. We serve clients Nationwide and are registered in California, Colorado, New York, and Washington.