Dheyaa Andijani

Corporate Performance Specialist at King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K●A●CARE - New York, NY, US

Dheyaa Andijani's Contact Details
Riyadh,Riyadh Province,Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K●A●CARE
Dheyaa Andijani's Company Details

King Abdullah City for Atomic & Renewable Energy (K.A.CARE) is a government entity established on the 17th of April 2010, aspiring to be a distinguished international science and research center, contributing to the Kingdom’s rapid development in the fields of peaceful use of atomic energy and renewable energy applications through Research and Development, HCB and Technology Localization initiatives, Public Awareness Programs and field-relevant support services.

Nuclear Research Renewable Energy Research And Development
Details about King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K●A●CARE
Frequently Asked Questions about Dheyaa Andijani
Dheyaa Andijani currently works for King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K●A●CARE.
Dheyaa Andijani's role at King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K●A●CARE is Corporate Performance Specialist.
Dheyaa Andijani's email address is ***@kacare.gov.sa. To view Dheyaa Andijani's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dheyaa Andijani works in the Energy industry.
Dheyaa Andijani's colleagues at King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K●A●CARE are Mohammed Bamgdam, Abdulaziz Houssien, Abdulhadi Alhebshi, Abdulmajed Bahha, Abdulmajeed Babtin, Abdulrahman Alanazi, Ahmad Mesawa and others.
Dheyaa Andijani's phone number is
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