Why Daymond John Academy was created: The short answer is…there are thousands of people that need help getting started in business or need help expanding their business and, having been in their shoes, I know I can help them. I consult Fortune 500 companies to give them advice and experience on branding, licensing, product placement, and marketing strategies and joined Game Changer Meetings to connect people directly with an expert from within their industry that can give them unique advice for their business. As an extension of Game Changer Meetings, this detailed training was created and will allow me to help thousands of people succeed as an entrepreneur. I meet people all the time that are struggling to make it as an entrepreneur, exactly like I did when I got started. They are making, or are about to make, the same mistakes and have the same problems I did 20+ years ago and many will never figure it out. I'm in a position now to help these people and show them exactly what to do to increase their success rate significantly. The process of establishing myself, as well as my company, was slow and often frustrating. Many times I would get stuck and not know how to approach the next step. Needless to say, I wasted a lot of time and money moving in the wrong direction, due to this lack of knowledge.