Dhruv Patel

Chairman at BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE - Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Dhruv Patel's Contact Details
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BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE logo, BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE contact details


Vadodara, Gujarat, India • 120 Employees
Education Management

This is the official page of BITS EDU CAMPUS, Vadodara. BITS Edu Campus is in forefront of higher technological education and basic & applied research. Established in 2004, this prettiest campus of the region is home to Institute of Technology and Institute of Pharmacy. Both are internationally accredited institutes (rating:A+++ by IAO, USA) with 225 faculty, 3,900 students and 89 administrative & supporting staff. It is a self-contained campus located in lush green land in the heart of Gujarat besides National Highway #8. It has established itself as a premier centre for research and industrial consultancy in the country. There are 6 academic departments equipped with 58 educational and research laboratories performing diverse functions learning in harmony. The presence of internationally recognized faculty backed by exemplary technical & supporting staff and an effective administration have all contributed to the achievements of alumni successfully established all over the world. The receipt of award of The Best Engineering College of Gujarat for 2012 is one of the ongoing recognition and appreciation of these valiant efforts for all round development.

Details about BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE
Frequently Asked Questions about Dhruv Patel
Dhruv Patel currently works for BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE.
Dhruv Patel's role at BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE is Chairman.
Dhruv Patel's email address is ***@bitseducampus.ac.in. To view Dhruv Patel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dhruv Patel works in the Education Management industry.
Dhruv Patel's colleagues at BITS Edu Campus: BABARIA INSTITUTE are Khyati Amin, Khyati Zalawadia, Deep Sheth, Binal Joshi, Monal Patel, Nirav Panchal, Hetal Pathak and others.
Dhruv Patel's phone number is
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