Diana Crews

Retired at Roberts - Chertsey, ENG, UK

Diana Crews's Contact Details
+44 333 014 2505
Saint Petersburg,Florida,United States
Diana Crews's Company Details
Roberts logo, Roberts contact details


Chertsey, ENG, UK • 89 Employees

Established in 1932, Roberts Radio Ltd. was founded by good friends Harry Roberts and Leslie Bidmead, who began making portable radios from a small shop in London in 1932. Initially producing just three a week, they had a simple philosophy: never compromise on quality and keep pushing the boundaries. Roberts is now a subsidiary of the privately owned Glen Dimplex Group, with offices in Surrey, Yorkshire, Germany and France. Although much has changed in the world of audio technology, the company has followed these values ever since and has remained the UK market leader in portable radios. From the iconic fifties-styled Revival retro radio through to cutting edge wireless speakers with multi room capabilities, and whether it is for radio or music enjoyment, the Roberts range of products has something to suit everyone. With multiple industry endorsements and two Royal Warrants granted in recognition of supply of radio equipment to the Royal Households, Roberts radios are built to stand the test of time and are truly loved by listeners the world over.

Audio Digital Radio Music Streaming and Internet Radio Analogue Radio Speakers Hi Fi Electronics Consumer Goods Internet Radio Music Streaming Smart Products Sound Systems Consumer Electronics Electronic Components Nec
Details about Roberts
Frequently Asked Questions about Diana Crews
Diana Crews currently works for Roberts.
Diana Crews's role at Roberts is Retired.
Diana Crews's email address is ***@robertsradio.com. To view Diana Crews's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Diana Crews works in the Electronics industry.
Diana Crews's colleagues at Roberts are Richard Kwasny, Sabrina Hallmark, Bill Furphy, John Borger, Jesus Frausto, Tim McKiernan, Edgard Uranga and others.
Diana Crews's phone number is +44 333 014 2505
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