The Institute for Behavior Change was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 1997 by Licensed Psychologist and Certified School Psychologist Steven Kossor who created our model for "Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services" (BHRS) funded entirely by the Medicaid EPSDT mandate. Under the supervision of licensed professional psychologists, our services are available to children with disabilities regardless of family income. Our staff have delivered these services to more than 800 children throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania. Children with disabilities who are enrolled in Medicaid are guaranteed access to these services as a Civil Right under the Social Security Act. Over 500 of our successful behavioral treatment plans for children ages 2 to 19 with Autism, ADHD and other serious behavioral conditions (with the data that documents the success of these plans) can be accessed at By infusing "Full Fidelity Wraparound" philosophy with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) procedures, Effective Treatment in a Wraparound Cup® results. This BHRS model multiplies the capacity of a single licensed mental health professional by a factor of more than 30, enabling the delivery of the most effective, cost-efficient mental health treatment services possible to children in their homes and schools. We currently employ more than 100 staff, including seven Licensed Psychologists and a Certified School Psychologist. Expert case management consultations to parents and professionals based on national best-practice standards for education and mental health treatment, along with experienced guidance about treatment funding options and outcome measurement strategies to improve the probability of successful treatment funding are available at community-based, force-multiplier model for mental health treatment and behavioral support delivery to children was commended by Cindy Mann, a former Director at the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) in 2011 as "an effective approach to serving children and adolescents with developmental disabilities." Her enthusiastic letter is here and you can view other commendations in the links at the bottom of this page. Our Founder and Executive Director has received commendations from the US Congress, both houses of the Pennsylvania legislature, and the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health for his creation of our highly successful Effective Treatment in a Wraparound Cup® BHRS model for the delivery of professional community-based mental health treatment to children which can be implemented throughout the world. Here is an interview with our Founder explaining all about the Institute, its programs, history of success and its global potential. Watch the video How to secure EPSDT funding for more information about our successful treatment methods and funding strategies.We are behavioral scientists and strong advocates for the needs of our clients. We teach the use of evidence-based practices, how to monitor treatment outcomes on an ongoing basis, and how to conduct research to develop new and effective behavioral intervention strategies and techniques. Our licensed psychologists perform state-of-the-art psychodiagnostic evaluations. Our staff perform school-related evaluations and other consultations. We perform Medical Assistance eligibility evaluations for Pennsylvania children who have mental disabilities at no cost to parents, regardless of family income. Learn more about BHRS treatment, Medicaid, EPSDT, and "wraparound" services here.