Next Gen Sequencing and Bioinformatics ServicesMolecular Research (MR DNA) offers collaborative service pricing for Illumina, 454, and ion torrent sequencing and a full range of bioinformatics and collaborative analysis. We offer competative rates and low cost collaborative rates for researchers moving rapidly toward publications. Contact us for quotes on your next generation sequencing project. Microbiome Research 16S RNA pyrosequencing service, microbiome, metagenome, transcriptomes, genomes, bioinformatics, small RNA, illumina, ion Torrent, 454 pyrosequencing service. prices. Inexpensive methods to evaluate microbial diversity using the bacterial tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing bTEFAP(R) approach. Genome sequencing, metagenomes, microbiomes, transcriptomes, SNP, AFLP pyrosequencing, and much more!Molecular Diagnostics We have 15 years of continuous experience developing novel molecular diagnostic assays. We are currently developing next next generation diagnostic assays in collaboration with our partners