Diana Fernandez

Administración de Activos at GP Desarrollos - , California, United States

Diana Fernandez's Contact Details
["+52 81 8150 3900","+52 449 912 0274"]
Monterrey,Nuevo Leon,Mexico
GP Desarrollos
Diana Fernandez's Company Details
GP Desarrollos logo, GP Desarrollos contact details

GP Desarrollos

, California, United States • 51 - 200 Employees
Real Estate

GP Desarrollos, división inmobiliaria de Grupo GP, se caracteriza por llevar a cabo proyectos que respondan con calidad y eficiencia a la continua evolución del mercado inmobiliario, cumpliendo siempre con los más altos estándares nacionales e internacionales requeridos por nuestros clientes. ------------------------------------GP Desarrollos, is a Grupo GP´s real estate division, characterized by carrying out projects that respond with quality and efficiency to the continuous evolution of the property market, while complying with the highest national and international standards required by our customers.

Details about GP Desarrollos
Frequently Asked Questions about Diana Fernandez
Diana Fernandez currently works for GP Desarrollos.
Diana Fernandez's role at GP Desarrollos is Administración de Activos.
Diana Fernandez's email address is ***@gpdesarrollos.com.mx. To view Diana Fernandez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Diana Fernandez works in the Real Estate industry.
Diana Fernandez's colleagues at GP Desarrollos are Martin Caro, Gerardo Lozano, Adriana Mata, Cony Rodriguez, Victor Mendoza, Roberto Leon and others.
Diana Fernandez's phone number is ["+52 81 8150 3900","+52 449 912 0274"]
See more information about Diana Fernandez