At Heritage, we aid our clients in all elements of historical research and litigation support. Our team of professional historians and document management experts specialize in conducting archival, government, library, database, and online research, managing large document collections in databases tailored to our clients' needs, and crafting the highest quality work products for publication, private or courtroom use. Clients turn to us because of our dedication, demonstrated success, and decades of experience in Superfund litigation support, military and munitions response research, mining and mineral processing expertise, and natural resource baseline assessments for NRDP suits, as well as road access, navigability determination, and historical streambed regulation studies. One of our recent research efforts pertaining to navigability and streambed title resulted in a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of our client.In our CERCLA-related projects, we have assisted clients in identifying historical PRPs, industrial processes, contamination pathways, and corporate succession for former U.S. military sites, major industrial waterways, and large industrial parks. Our experience in researching sites nationwide is matched by our understanding of major environmental contaminants such as TCE, radioactive materials, and a range of environmental toxins associated with the petroleum, metals, and chemical industries. Along with our research capabilities, our document management services take our findings and turn them into a digital, searchable, information system that allows for easy answers during litigation strategy development, writing of briefs, or authoring other publications. So, if you need help researching historical aspects of land or water, major industries or specific companies, big or small, for publication or strict confidential use, Heritage can help.