Diane Cropp

Special Events Coordinator at Bible in the Schools - , , US

Diane Cropp's Contact Details
United States
Bible in the Schools
Diane Cropp's Company Details
Bible in the Schools logo, Bible in the Schools contact details

Bible in the Schools

, , US • 10 - 19 Employees

Bible in the Schools, established in 1922, has provided students in Hamilton County public schools, from grades 6 through 12, the opportunity to study Bible history as an elective. Courses offered are for-credit, academically rigorous, and are made available in 19 public schools at no cost to taxpayers. Bible in the Schools fully funds all components of the County's Bible history program through the generosity of the community. To learn more, visit: www.bibleintheschools.com. "Bible history classes in the public schools are an opportunity for students to have a viewpoint neutral, foundational study of one of the cornerstone texts of Western cultural literacy. This program is helping students be culturally literate and better equipped to thrive and contribute to a global world."​ - Jay Ferguson, Headmaster, Grace Community School, Tyler, TX.

Details about Bible in the Schools
Frequently Asked Questions about Diane Cropp
Diane Cropp currently works for Bible in the Schools.
Diane Cropp's role at Bible in the Schools is Special Events Coordinator.
Diane Cropp's email address is ***@bibleintheschools.com. To view Diane Cropp's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Diane Cropp works in the Education Management industry.
Diane Cropp's colleagues at Bible in the Schools are Cathy Scott, Cathy Patterson, David Welsh, MJ Schools, Mary McBride, Bryan Johnson, Amanda Tingle and others.
Diane Cropp's phone number is 423-648-0500
See more information about Diane Cropp