Credence Funding Corporation is a full-service mortgage lender headquartered in Aberdeen, Maryland. Founded in 2012, Credence Funding works with more than 100 investors in order to provide complete product selection and industry leading pricing. Credence Funding is an equal opportunity employer.Learn more at http://www.credencefc.comNMLS Consumer Access Website Housing Lender. NMLS ID 878490NMLS ID#878490 by the NJ Department of Banking and InsuranceLearn MoreContact Credence Funding Corporation to find out more about the products and services we can provide. Regarding TEXAS residents and, properties located in TEXAS: "CONSUMERS WISHING TO FILE A COMPLAINT AGAINST A COMPANY OR A RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATOR SHOULD COMPLETE AND SEND A COMPLAINT FORM TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS AND MORTGAGE LENDING, 2601 NORTH LAMAR, SUITE 201, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78705. COMPLAINT FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE AT WWW.SML.TEXAS.GOV. A TOLL-FREE CONSUMER HOTLINE IS AVAILABLE AT 1-877-276-5550. THE DEPARTMENT MAINTAINS A RECOVERY FUND TO MAKE PAYMENTS OF CERTAIN ACTUAL OUT OF POCKET DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY BORROWERS CAUSED BY ACTS OF LICENSED RESIDENTIALMORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATORS. A WRITTEN APPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE RECOVERY FUND MUST BE FILED WITH AND INVESTIGATED BY THE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE PAYMENT OF A CLAIM. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE RECOVERY FUND, PLEASE CONSULT THE DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE AT WWW.SML.TEXAS.GOV."Illinois: James R. Thompson Center, IDFPR-Residential Mortgage Banking, 100 W. Randoph, 9th Floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60601 Tel: (844) 768-1713