Diane Franks

Commercial Property Broker at Maxprop - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Diane Franks's Colleagues at Maxprop
Nora Wright

Full Manager Bookkeeper

Contact Nora Wright

James Strang

Head of Department for Community Schemes Administration

Contact James Strang

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Diane Franks's Contact Details
(031) 251-7300
Durban,KwaZulu-Natal,South Africa
Diane Franks's Company Details
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Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa • 170 Employees
Real Estate

With more than five decades of successes in the property and real estate industries under its belt, Maxprop has evolved its service offering over the years and adopted innovative and collaborative ways of conducting business whilst, at the same time, living up to its original vision of being "your property solution". Maxprop offers a comprehensive range of property services including Property Management, Property Syndications, Commercial and Industrial Sales and Letting, and Residential Sales and Letting.The group administers a property portfolio valued at over R30 billion which includes structured property investments with an impressive track record of consistent returns and capital gains, all within appropriate risk profiles.Operating out of its C&I Division, Maxprop boasts a team of highly experienced commercial and industrial property brokers who have an intricate knowledge and understanding of the market. The technical expertise of this group facilitates the structuring of property transactions to satisfy the requirements of both buyer and seller alike.Maxprop's Letting Division manages a book of residential properties whereby landlords and tenants alike are provided with exceptional service hinging on a team of dedicated agents and support staff.Through its franchise arm, Maxprop also services all your residential property needs with several residential franchise offices located throughout KwaZulu-Natal.For more information visit www.maxprop.co.za or email us at info@maxprop.solutions Twitter: @maxpropsaFacebook: fb.com/maxpropsa

Details about Maxprop
Frequently Asked Questions about Diane Franks
Diane Franks currently works for Maxprop.
Diane Franks's role at Maxprop is Commercial Property Broker.
Diane Franks's email address is ***@maxprop.co.za. To view Diane Franks's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Diane Franks works in the Real Estate industry.
Diane Franks's colleagues at Maxprop are Andre Visser, Nora Wright, James Strang, Colin Hill, Simbarashe Makuyana, Theshnee Moodley, Tony Benschop and others.
Diane Franks's phone number is (031) 251-7300
See more information about Diane Franks