Office Adminstrator / Organizational Consultant at American Ethical Union - New York, NY, US
Various Volunteer Roles - member/board member/local society president/Ethical Culture Officiant
The American Ethical Union (AEU) creates, nurtures, and inspires ethical humanist communities to foster a world that is democratic, compassionate, just, and sustainable. The AEU is a federation of Ethical Societies throughout the USA. Ethical Humanism/Ethical Culture is an alternative to traditional religion, often referred to as a non-theistic or humanist Movement because it focuses on ethics over speculative theology. Our members work to foster a world that honors the worth of every individual, nurtures ethical relationships, and builds social justice. We believe in deed before creed and seek partnerships with groups dedicated to empowering everyone through service and activism. We advocate for reason, compassion, and rational thinking so that we can celebrate with and support each other through life.