Signature 4 is a complex solutions provider. From start ups to large corporations, we are always on the search for waves of opportunity to surf with fantastic clients. Design, Engineering and Finish are the core of our skill set, and our network of know-how extends deeply within and beyond each of those silos. DESIGN- Product value added through creative branding support ENGINEER - Precise and technical, we engineer products to the highest standards for best form and functionFINISH - Our wide variety of high quality manufacturing capabilities achieve solutions, whether simple, complex, or altogether uniqueAt the front of our small business as a complex solutions provider are our hard-working, dedicated employees. Through our people and our resources, we search to provide clients with custom results to meet their specific needs for product form and function at any stage of product development. And the team of Signature 4 doesn't just stop at talent and technique and hope for the best - we push beyond to work with integrity in every action, and treat everyone with whom we work as we would treat our own friends and families. "There are no more committed people on the planet than surfers. We fall down a lot. We turn around, paddle back, and do it over and over again. Unlike anything else in life, the stoke of surfing is so high that the failures quickly fade from memory" - Gary SirotaDESIGN - ENGINEERING -