Vice President at Lake Forest USMC Support Committee - Lake Forest, California, United States
The Committee was established to manage the inter-relationship between the residents, support organizations and businesses of Lake Forest and the members of 1stANGLICO and their families. The Committee is responsible for providing support on a year-round basis, with the intent of making a positive and enhancing impact on the lives of the members of 1stANGLICO and their families.The Committee is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization composed solely of volunteers.The Mission Statement of the Committee is as follows:To generate community wide support for the Marines and sailors and families of Marines on an on-going basis, both when Marines are at Camp Pendleton and/or when all of Marines or elements thereof are forward deployed.To encourage mutually-beneficial interaction between the residents of the City of Lake Forest and the Marines, the sailors and the families of Marines in order to render such support and to also create strong and lasting ties between the Marines and the residents of the City of Lake Forest in the years to come.The "motto" of the Committee is "For the Good of the Cause!"