Summa Patrimonia EAFI is a financial advice company operating with a "family office" orientation. Since november 2009, the CNMV has granted EAFI's license to operate in spanish market. We are an "Independent Financial Adviser" (IFA), registered as number 17 in the IFAs register of the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National Securities Market Comission, Spain). IFAs are service companies that provide exclusively financial advisory services in terms of investment and auxiliary subjects such as capital structuring, industrial strategies and other services relating to mergers and acquisitions.Summa Patrimonia advises in investments with a personalized basis, with transparency form and without conflict of interests to individuals and to companies. It is an independent company that does not form a part of any banking group.Summa is composed by a team of professionals with training and experience in the international financial sector which includes all the possible areas of the wealth management following the interests and requirements of every client.