Born as a precision mechanical workshop, in the following years Abate Basilio specialized in the construction of high performance molds.The continuous research and implementation of cutting-edge technological solutions has allowed it to establish itself and produce increasingly high-performance plastic molds for customers all over the world.Abate Basilio has more than 50 years of experience in the sector and thanks to a very agile and functional structure, it offers innovative and customized solutions according to the customer's needs.Abata Basilio is a company inextricably linked to the character and spirit of its founder, Basilio. Despite the advent of industry 4.0, the company has chosen to implement automated solutions while preserving the experience, innovation and inventiveness of its collaborators who every day actively contribute to the growth of a solid and concrete reality with their work.Abate Basilio is also ISO 9001 certified as a further guarantee of quality and professional reliability.