INLOC Robotics was born at the end of 2013 although gets definitively constituted at mid 2014 after a clear need is identified for precise localization of mobile devices working in buried infrastructures as may be for instance urban drainage systems, drinking water infrastructures, road tunnels o electric networks.On October 2015, CIMNE Tecnología, a private company created from one of the most important research centers in Spain, CIMNE, entered INLOC Robotics as partner in its social capital. CIMNE Tecnología is formed by a team with more that fifteen years of experience in a vast range of fields directly linked to the creation, management and growth of technology-based companies.In July 2019, the Global Omnium Group invests in INLOC through a new capital increase. In this way INLOC has a strong market-oriented impulse, with tools that allow us to consolidate the company, with more than one vote of confidence in INLOC projects.