Exergue Communications is a Quebec communications agency specializing in media relations (traditional and social media). Established in Montreal and founded in 2009, its mission is to promote inspiring projects that contribute to the collective well-being. It offers a range of services associated with media relations, including strategic advice, writing, research, media requests and spokesperson training. Its main strengths are its ability to grasp the issues, popularize the most complex dossiers and communicate them in vibrant language. In French, putting something "en exergue" means placing an emphasis on it or making it clearer. Pulling a quote from a newspaper article and placing it in large type is one example of putting something "en exergue." Our team is quite fond of the word since it captures what we do. When a client works with us, they feel as though there is a new emphasis on their organization. They get noticed and get quoted. We help make their message clearer, get out what they want to say and leave the public with a better understanding of who they are.