Intern at Parkinsons Disease & Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS), India - , Maharashtra, India
The Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS) is an all India charity society registered in 2001 under the Society Registration Act of 1860. The vision of the PDMDS is to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson's disease (PD) and their caregivers and to increase awareness about the condition.PD is the second most common Neurological disorder in the world. An estimated 10 million people worldwide are living with the condition, with 1 million diagnosed in India alone. These statistics do not represent the number of undetected cases that are either due to a lack of awareness about the condition, or the fact that there are only 1200 neurologists for the ever- increasing population of 1.2 billion people.PD even though classified as a "movement disorder" with prominent symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, slowness of movement, postural instability also has a number of hidden symptoms such as Speech and swallowing difficulties, depression and anxiety, constipation and urinary troubles, sleep anomalies, hallucinations and delusions, cognitive problems which can be life altering and debilitating.Owing to these factors, the PDMDS works towards the support and rehabilitation of people with Parkinsons's (PwPs) and their caregivers (CGs).The following are the objectives of the organization:Objective 1: Provide multidisciplinary rehabilitation through the sustenance and development of support centres.Objective 2: Extend the reach of the programme to parts of the country where no access to Parkinson's care and rehabilitation is available.Objective 3: Develop Educational and Resource Material.Objective 4: Increase Awareness of Parkinson's disease and the services of the PDMDS.Objective 5: Train and develop human resources to extend its services, rehabilitation and counselling to PwPs and caregivers across India.