Liberty was founded in 2008, when online marketing was still an untamed frontier. Dodgy digital marketers roamed the web unchecked and businesses big and small were getting royally screwed by these mercenary crooks. Something had to be done. Where was the digital gold standard by which all online marketers could be measured? Enter Liberty. We foresaw a future where businesses could see exactly what their agency was doing on their behalf, and were getting real, measurable results in return. And if you want something done right… Fast forward to today and we’ve become Wales’ largest online marketing agency. We like to put this down to our transparency, our expertise, and our proven track record for getting results, but don’t take our word for it, check it out for yourself. We’re a merry band of digital marketers, creatives, data geeks and social obsessives, all with one thing in common: our mission to get targeted traffic that converts.