We help companies to recruit the best candidates thanks to our network of independent consultants, available and reactive for the success of your project. Our consultants have in-depth knowledge of the local fabric and the industries they address. We support you in all the stages of your recruitment project, from the definition of the need to the onboarding through the construction of your employer brand, the sourcing of CVs, the taking of references and the realization of tests (verbal skills and digital, psychotechnical, corporate culture, personality). We offer attractive fees thanks to reduced structure costs, allowing you to benefit from a quality service at the best price. We only charge for success to align our interests with yours. Our consultants have access to the best digital tools (CV libraries, distribution of job offers, etc.) and have access to numerous continuing education materials in order to provide you with the best service. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Do not hesitate to contact us: 📞 01 76 41 04 75 📩 contact@achil .io