Customer Service Representative at Financial Circle - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Financial Circle has been created with one primary motivation. To deliver a simple solution to the increasingly complex element of your life that is your financial security and future.We are big enough to be well resourced, but not so big that you are treated anything other than as an individual person rather than just a customer number-thus our focus is you.Based on the philosophy of solution, trust and devotion to the customer experience, we are helping to reinvent the way Australians obtain personal loans, eliminating fine print, unnecessary paperwork and wait times where possible.To that end we are committed to not just provide you with a personal loan, but rather assist you in managing your cash flow and your responsibilities so that you have the best chance to avoid what may have previously been referred to as hidden fees and charges. These hidden fees and charges can often add up to several hundred dollars over the course of a personal loan contract.Ideally, we would like to see the result of your improved cash flow management not just manifest itself in avoiding unnecessary fees and charges, but repaying your loan sooner, so you can start to create some savings of your own and increase your financial independence.Financial independence, in the opinion of Financial Circle should be one of you greatest motivations. Our simple, yet bold system energises you to obtain that independence faster than you've ever been able to do previously.