Under National Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) license, issued by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Fiber@Home is developing a completely secured & robust optical fiber backbone network nationwide international standard. This network is made up of HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene) duct placed underground in metro areas. Starting its official journey on 7th January, 2009 and being financed by local investors, Fiber@Home is destined to build a network up to the Upazila head quarters of the country. Working towards that goal Fiber@Home has built Underground optical fiber Metro Ethernet Network in multiple metropolitan cities and already reached the major districts and upazilas with its networks. This fiber optical transmission network will eventually become the major backbone for all kinds of telecommunications and electronic entertainment services that are the prime elements of modern life. Recently Fiber@Home got another two licenses from BTRC. One is: International Internet Gateway (IIG) and the other one is: International Terrestrial Cable (ITC) service operation.