150,000+ Indian Doctors across 50+ Medical Specialties trust M3 India platform to update themselves and practice evidence-based medicine.Our vision is to apply Technology and deep understanding of Healthcare Industry to enable continuous learning and up-skilling of Doctors at scale. We offer a suite of engagement and marketing solutions to Healthcare industry to engage with our active community of Doctors. More importantly, we believe that by helping Doctors stay updated with the latest treatment guidelines & scientific evidence, we will be able to make a real impact to the quality of patient care in India.M3 India currently has the highest traffic and engagement metrics in the Industry, with a registered base of 1.5 lakh+ Doctors who use our website and Apps to access a variety of content, all of which are customized to their specialties & interests.M3 India is part of M3 Inc., Japan – a Tokyo headquartered MNC with operations across 9 countries and Global sales > USD 1bn. Over 55lakhs Doctors globally trust M3 websites and resources for their practice.