Dinel Wyk

Portfolio Manager at PSG Meesterplan - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Dinel Wyk's Contact Details
Johannesburg,Gauteng,2001,South Africa
PSG Meesterplan
Dinel Wyk's Company Details

PSG Meesterplan

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa • 27 Employees

PSG Meesterplan is in 1990 as ‘n korttermynversekeringsmakelaar gestig. Ons spesialiseer in persoonlike en kommersiële versekering en is ook geregistreer by die Raad vir Finansiële Dienste (RFD nr 728). Ons bedien ‘n uitgebreide kliëntebasis van meer as 7000 kliënte met trots en uitnemendheid. Ons het ooreenkomste en strategiese vennootskappe in plek met verskeie gevestigde en vooraanstaande onderskrywers. Ons strewe is om te alle tye in vertroulikheid op te tree en almal met waardigheid en respek te hanteer en om waarde tot die lewens van ons kliënte toe te voeg.PSG Meesterplan was established as a short-term insurance broker in 1990. We specialize in personal and commercial insurance and is also registered with the Financial Services Board (FSP No. 728). We serve a wide customer base of over 7000 customers with pride and excellence. We have agreements and strategic partnerships in place with a number of established and leading underwriters. We strive at all times to act in confidence and treat all with dignity and respect and to add value to the lives of our clients.

Details about PSG Meesterplan
Frequently Asked Questions about Dinel Wyk
Dinel Wyk currently works for PSG Meesterplan.
Dinel Wyk's role at PSG Meesterplan is Portfolio Manager.
Dinel Wyk's email address is ***@. To view Dinel Wyk's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dinel Wyk works in the Insurance industry.
Dinel Wyk's colleagues at PSG Meesterplan are Lizelle Nagel, Melani Smit, Suelene Berg, Enid Sousa, Melanie Smith, Henk Wiese, Julie Conchar and others.
Dinel Wyk's phone number is
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