EYEYAH! is a series of advertising-free activity books that use art and design to talk to children about social issues. Our approach stems from the principle that children are visual learners and visual aids can improve learning by up to 400%.Three times a year, we engage 40 illustrators and graphic designers from around the world to create an artwork inspired by a specific social issue. We work with academics, journalists, educators and various other subject matter experts and leaders in their field to deconstruct a topic and identity the key concepts we want to visualise.EYEYAH! is published by The Unusual Network, the ex-creators of Kult magazine & Gallery. Deciding to harness the power of Visual Communication for Education we commission artworks to address urgent themes regarding modern culture - themes such as The Future, Transport Money, Waste & Water.EYEYAH! is a not-for-profit social enterprise registered under RaiSE.Follow us on instagram @eyeyahmag