Klaspad Limited is committed to delivering cutting edge solutions and services that stand out from the competition. 'Collaboration' is the driving force behind the development of Klaspad which uses the latest technology to provide a highly interactive system that has inbuilt enterprise resource planning, human resources management, customer relationship management, SMS and learning management system, all working as one synchronised unit. The system uses highly scalable NoSQL data base (mongoDB) that will place it amongst the pioneers of using it in the education sector.We have worked with more than 150 colleges, awarding organisations and institutions. Over 40.000 students have used Klaspad to date. FUTARIUM is Klaspad's native digital medium for value in the education sector. This will help prevent document and CV fraud. Providing the space and the means to exchange verified educational and employment data. FUTARIUM will be the Educational wallet where each individual's skills will be academically assessed and given a credit value. Assimilation of these credits will lead to recognised certification by educational institutions. The system has been built using IBM's Hyperledger open source blockchain based distributed ledger.