VASILIADIS PAPPAS is a team of legal professionals dedicated to helping you achieve financial and personal goals related to aging, incapacity, and the transfer of wealth to the next generation. We represent clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania in the following areas:Long-term Care Planning: structuring one's affairs so as to protect quality of life for oneself and for loved ones – physical and financial – in the event of chronic incapacity.Estate and Tax Planning: structuring one's affairs so as to transfer wealth at death to desired beneficiaries in an orderly manner, at minimum cost while, at the same time, maintaining maximum control and enjoyment of one's assets during lifetime.Trust and Estate Administration: assisting executors, trustees, guardians and agents under power of attorney in administering and distributing estates, trusts, guardianships and powers of attorney.Special Needs Planning: assisting families of developmentally disabled persons and others with special needs in maximizing quality of life – physical and financial – for such persons. It emphasizes access to and preservation of public and private benefits for special needs persons without their forfeiting family resources.Nursing Home Litigation: challenging, administratively and in court, denial and termination of public benefits; preventing nursing home discharge; quality of care advocacy on behalf of residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities; seeking damages for wrongful death and serious injury to residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.Veterans' Benefits Planning: assisting veterans and their spouses in qualifying for veterans' benefits to pay for care at home or in assisted living or skilled nursing facilities; advising allied professionals and corporate health care providers regarding veterans' benefits eligibility.