Procurement Engineer at Kailash Devbuild India Pvt. Ltd - Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
We KDBIL (Kailash Devbuild India Pvt. Ltd.) would like to introduce our-selves as the largest EPC company in central India.Ours is a company which has constructed more than 3000 kms 220 kV and 132 kV transmission lines and also many 220/132/33kV , 132/33kV substation which include providing turnkey solutions.We have also done considerable 220kV and 400kV works for private powers producers in India. We are ONE STOP solution for transmission Lines and Sub-stations.We handle all the liasioning for different Government Bodies and also provide consultancy for all activities. We hope on this basis we may be able to justify our experience, expertise and credibility. We would be very much interested to provide our Best Services against your project to provide complete turnkey solution within our own technical and financial resources. We are attaching herewith our company profile for your ready reference.You are also requested to kindly share your contact details.For any other query please feel free to contact us.Best RegardsBhanu ShuklaDirector+91-9575-333334 / +91-9981-004041