Advocacy Social is a social media brand advocacy automation platform and services company that enables brands to identify, engage, and empower their true brand advocates and most influential members through email, social media and CRM.A brand advocate is far more valuable than an ordinary social fan, follower or email address. Advocates bring a passion and a commitment to a brand. They have a much deeper connection with a brand while greatly increasing brand awareness and influencing purchase decisions. Properly engaged, brand advocates create action, not just influence. Many companies large and small are struggling to show a return on investment for their social media marketing dollars. With Facebook organic reach scores in the single digits and the eventuality of these same challenges happening with other social channels, Advocacy Social partners with clients to help identify their brand advocates and develop an effective strategy to empower passion and enthusiasm for our clients' brands.Advocacy Social offers a free social media analysis for all prospective clients. For more information, please go to