Nidaan works to bring brevity and finitude to navigating solutions on elementary health issues. We scrounge resources in attempt to ease medical jargon, and provide booklets for all, aiding a fluid take on primary health.Assessing credible allopathic solutions without consulting doctors marks but a gray area. Yet a burgeoning majority of the Indian Population strays from doctor interactions and opts a surrogate fix (Online Information, Faux Family-Doctor).And despite its basal necessity, access to reliable, concise information (Online or other) isn't quite superfluous, instead tunes quite the task to navigate. We have Consulted 70+ Doctors, Designers and Lawyers in optimizing a ‘Medicine-Remedy list' (Nidaan-Pamphlet) for basic health issues, keeping due the Indian Middle Class. Nidaan hopes to distribute these pamphlets at scale, and declutter the bundle of tacit links and conflated opinions on Elementary Health Issues.