CABC S.A. (Central American Business Consultants) is a consulting firm assisting foreign companies to set up their offshore manufacturing operation in Central America. We also source manufacturing solutions for local as well as foreign companies. Our machinery department will help with new and used textile equipment.CABC S.A. also operates the B2B Export Mall is an online portal to facilitate business and commerce in Latin America between companies. This portal will increase the profitability between seller and buyer by eliminating the middleman. Every Mall Member will receive a professionally designed website with high Google ranking.CABC Group is announcing Bio-G, a renewable source of biomass. This cloned non-food crop is developed in a lab in Honduras and yields four times more energy per acre if compared to biomass crops used in other places. We will soon present an other cloned crop for the generation of Bio-Diesel.CABC Group has outstanding investment opportunities available in Central America. The most exciting and non-volatile investment is in Productive Forestry Plantations using teak trees cultivated from superior clones. We also offer investments in real estate, new business development and green energy. Very good sources for venture capital.