Any company can meet it's core value by hiring right people - our mission is to find every job the right fit, and every jobseeker the most relevant opportunity they love.Job descriptions and resumes are great for first impressions but doesn't give clarity when it comes to determining if the candidate is a lasting match. Most of the hiring services use antiquated processes without considering personality type, cultural fit or motivational style.ZechWare LLC is a new age technology staffing and recruiting company that takes a deeper look into a candidate's fit through cognitive thinking. We identify candidates based on technical skills, soft skills, work place signals, personal signals and experience.With over 15 years of recruiting experience you will find that the professionals at our company takes a deeper look to understand employers different hiring needs. Instead of simply identifying suitable candidates, we take the time to examine your long-term needs. You will be glad to know that we deal with Fortune 500 companies, VC funded startups, mid-size to enterprise level companies, as well as exciting smaller companies that are just getting off the ground.