MDK Flowers & Greens is a company that specialises in the professional cultivation and marketing of luxury decorative leaves, tropical cut flowers and potted plants. We offer you luxury flower and leaf products you will not encounter anywhere else. Only the products that meet our very highest quality requirements will leave the nursery. Our nursery in the Dutch region of Westland has an area of five hectares. Apart from our nursery in Honselerdijk, we also own a nursery in Ghana (Africa), with a size of 16 hectares. Here, Heliconias and leaf products are cultivated in cooperation with the local population. We make sure that we are always on the move, both innovatively and continuously, in order to meet our clients' demands. Our aim is to stand out from the rest, and with our years of experience, we have built a strong and stable company. We have a fantastic team that give theirself 100% every day to produce the best flowers and greens!