Biotechnology is an applied science which involves various branches of science and technology to enhance the benefits of living organisms (or parts of it) with the purpose of producing value-added products (goods and services). Biotechnology considers the development of biotechnology, especially in developed countries, and the needs of it to produce high value-added biological products in Indonesia.The Master's Program in Biotechnology was established in 2003. This program is designed to provide excellent human resources in biotechnology, which are able to develop natural bio-resources into value-added products for application in health, agriculture, environment, and energy. To achieve the mission, an integration of sciences and technologies in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, biological processes, cell and tissue culture, fermentation technology, genetic engineering, DNA technology and bioinformatics are studied through courses and research.VisionWe are making the biotechnology master study program as an excellent study program in educating students to have science and technology within the scope of biotechnology which is meaningful for life and beneficial in the workplace and society.Mission1. Develop and provide the highest quality education in the scope of biotechnology2. Create superior, adaptive, and professional graduates who can compete globally in the scope of biotechnology3. Developing education in the scope of biotechnology to meet the needs and improve human welfare4. Develop the capability of discovery, invention, innovation, and transfer of technology based on biotechnology to meet the needs of food, energy, environment, and health