Myndprime aspires to create a system where mental wellness of every teen ( Adolescent ) is discussed with proper stakeholders like parents, schools and mental health experts as early as possible. India has the largest population of adolescents in the world, home to 243 million individuals, which is a significant number accounting for one-fifth of the world's adolescents. Adolescents spend the majority of their time in school when away from home. School teachers are often helpful in identifying the mental healthcare needs of adolescents. However, in the current context, they are not well trained or oriented to pick up the early warning signs. Primary healthcare providers, on the other hand, may lack the time and patience required to identify and manage these disorders in their routine already-busy practices. Myndprime uses the infrastructure of schools to create a system where teens are asked to give answers to a standard set of questions related to different aspects of mental health and results of tests are shared with parents and schools. We also then provide a platform for parents where they can consult certified mental health experts to discuss their ward's mental wellness with the help of test results.