is promoted by EH Research. Owner, BE(Hons) from BITS Pilani and PGDIE from NITIE Mumbai, believes in buying growth companies and holding them for long term. The purpose of this Company is to learn/explore the process of finding out those hidden 100X gems which can help us in building up a great portfolio for us and our children.Sharing some very valuable points, based on 32 years of the unique experience: A) Read the book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad' by author Robert Kiyosaki. B) Every child should be imparted a minimum basic knowledge of Finance. Some of you will understand and agree that fixed deposits in bank mostly provide us negative returns if you add the effect of inflation and income tax on interest, although safety is greater. C) Most of us wanting to invest in stock market do the same mistake as general public: get attracted to the stock market when it has gone up and end up investing at very high prices. It becomes very risky. D) One should definitely understand the Power of Compounding Growth. Do you know Rs.1 lakh becomes Rs.1 Crores, if earnings get compounded by 26% annually for 20 years or 36% for 15 years! E) Understand that stocks good for long term are good mostly in short/medium term too, avoid going for speculative and poor quality stocks. There have been many companies which have returned more than Rs.1Crore+ in the long term on investment of just Rs.1 Lakh. F) If you invest for children, mostly your choices and Portfolio of carefully picked up shares will be excellent. It may give you great return in short/ medium periods also. G) Don't delay your investment planning, act now! a. Equity of the company must be small. Big equity goes against great growth. b. It must have a unique product that would do an essential job better, cheaper, and/or faster than before. c. Far more money can be made by good stock selection than by good stock market timing. d. It is more important to be right than to be quick.