Rumah Belajar Kreatif Kaki Gunung Merapi (KAGEM) Yogyakarta is an non-profit organization that engaged in many field. Social, education, and empowerment of community economy. This organization was built with zeal to share with people especially people which are in need. This organization formed on October 19th 2012. Divisions in kagem jogja.Education and Literacy Divisionis a division that organized the learning concept for elementary school and junior high school children by learning assistance from the volunteers, or we called it as "kakak punggawa".Education and Literacy Division holding some programs such as inspirational tutoring program (Bimbel Inspirasi), Literacy Class, English Class, and Educational Tour which purpose to stimulate the children with joyful learning during class because they can learn and play at the same time.Public relations & Media,This Division has responsibility for Kagem's relationship with external parties and also as a branding image for the Kagem community.Humas manage any collaboration with many parties in various different purpose, such as: research by students of university, sharing with other social communities, journalism, radio and much more.Media manage social media owned by Kagem, including: Youtube, Instagram, and website as an active platform to share Kagem activities. Environment and Fundraising,This division take a part in keeping the environment and the independency of social community. Kagem Jogja is not only aware, but also encourages the children to care about their environment. Starting from not littering, invite them to always looking for their sanitazion, clean the environment around Kagem's place, and also give them the knowledge, the importance, and the impact of keeping their environment clean.Fundraising in Kagem Jogja, has a main goal. That is to become independent of all the the cost needed for its internal operation. As well as to make punggawa to learn about entrepreneurship.