BURNBLOCKNON-TOXIC FIRE RETARDANTOUR PRODUCT IS:The sustainable choice for fire protectionBURNBLOCK® Fire Retardant Powder is Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM at the Gold level.http://burnblock.com/https://burnblock.com/thesustainablechoice/Burnblock is for:Suppliers and industrial manufacturers of building materialsWE ARE:an enterprising company, characterised at heart by a pioneering spirit and the courage to follow new paths.The background for developing an environmentally friendly fire retardant comes from a desire to solve a specific problem in a different and innovative way.Through systematic, targeted research and documentation, we develop sustainable, industrial solutions for fire resistance.WE DO IT BY:IntegrityIt is essential in our business dealingsthat our actions are driven by honesty,consistency and transparency.SharingBy sharing our ideas and contributingwith individual strengths, we ensurecompetetiveness throughout theentire value chain.CommitmentOur joint results and success arecreated by our ambitions and ourmotivation to win.SimplicityBy doing the right things and by avoidingcomplexity, our joint efficiency ensurescustomer satisfaction.