UNICHROME AG is a company with broad activities and deep expertise in the areas including trading of ferroalloys, base & minor metals, ores, as well as mining, production, costs, consumers value in use and market pricing mechanisms.UNICHROME AG has a global network of partners covering Europe, CIS, Asia, Africa and the Americas. We also have good long-term relations with industry service providers.Over the past several years many commodity markets have shown volatile behaviour. Cr ore and FeCr indexes were at the top of the most volatile indicators for metals and commodities in general. Therefore, the market requires a mechanism which will allow all market participants to assess longer term future expectations with better accuracy and financial responsibility than what presently exists. We apply our expertise in the mechanisms of market prices for chromium and develop the way forward.UNICHROME AG is an Associate Member of The International Chromium Development Association (ICDA) www.icdacr.com.