Dominic Covvey

President at NIHI - St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

Dominic Covvey's Colleagues at NIHI
Dominic Covvey's Contact Details
Dominic Covvey's Company Details
NIHI logo, NIHI contact details


St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland • 1 - 10 Employees
Information Technology and Services

NIHI is an award-winning start-up aiming at improving and strengthening a company's internal idea- and innovation sharing channels. With an easy to use application for smartphones, tablets and computers, companies using the NIHI software empower each employee - regardless of his or her tasks - and give him/her the opportunity to submit ideas directly and around-the-clock to the decision-maker. Not only does NIHI reduce the workload of the middle management and helps companies us their internal resources more efficiently, but it also provides a framework for an innovative and employee-friendly corporate culture.NIHI ist ein preisgekröntes Start-Up, welches sich zur Aufgabe genommen hat, die firmeninterne Ideen- und Innovationsförderung zu stärken. Mit Hilfe einer simpel bedienbaren Applikation für Office Computer, Tablets und Mobiltelefone, ermächtigen Firmen welche die NIHI Software nutzen einen jeden Mitarbeiter - egal welche Tätigkeit dieser ausübt - und geben diesem die Chance seine Ideen direkt und rund um die Uhr mit dem Entscheidungsträger zu teilen. NIHI nimmt dabei nicht nur dem Middle-Management einen Teil dessen Arbeit ab und hilft einem Unternehmen interne Ressourcen besser zu nutzen, sondern bildet ebenfalls das Gerüst für eine innovationsfreudige und mitarbeiterfreundliche Unternehmenskultur.

Details about NIHI
Frequently Asked Questions about Dominic Covvey
Dominic Covvey currently works for NIHI.
Dominic Covvey's role at NIHI is President.
Dominic Covvey's email address is *** To view Dominic Covvey's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dominic Covvey works in the Information Technology and Services industry.
Dominic Covvey's colleagues at NIHI are Nana Kevin and others.
Dominic Covvey's phone number is
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