Train Up First is the industry leader and proven provider of life skills and social and emotional learning for young adults. In 2009, a passionate mother sat at her kitchen table with 5 "at-risk" high school football players that had over 100 combined Division 1 scholarship offers and were unfortunately academically ineligible. Her daunting task was to "get them eligible" in 8 short weeks through endless hours of SAT tutoring. Through this process, she realized that what they really lacked was not academic aptitude, but the life skills and the intangibles needed to have success in every aspect of life. TUF Founder, Andria Rogers, had no idea at the time that she had just begun her life journey of creating a much- needed solution that would be life-changing to countless students and student-athletes across the U.S.Today, TUF builds champions in LIFE by engaging, motivating and inspiring these young adults to take control of their own journey in life through digital and interactive courses inspired by storytelling.Check us out!