Harnessing the Power of ExperienceThe Loran Group was formed as a collaborative between thought leaders with over 150 years of combined experience in medicine; specialty pharmacy and home infusion; clinical technology; and post-acute alternate site care.The broad breadth of our backgrounds, combined with the depth of our clinical/medical/industry experience, make the Loran Group a valuable partner in developing customized solutions to meet the challenges our clients face in today's every-changing healthcare landscape.• Strategy & Planning• Sales & Marketing• Training & Development• Contracting & Network Development• Clinical OperationsOur name, LORAN, is an acronym for LOng RAnge Navigation. A radio navigation system developed by the United States Navy during World War II. The name was suggested by one of our founding partners, Retired Navy Captain John Derr. It effectively describes our commitment to provide guidance as we search for and discover best-practices for each client in a health care environment where providers face new challenges each day in the form of increased patient expectations, limited resources, and an ever-changing payment landscape.The Loran Group is focused on helping healthcare providers navigate today's healthcare storms – all the while looking to the horizon to be best prepared for the inevitably changing tides. Just as the initial LORAN system provided clearer direction, our team works with healthcare providers at all levels to provide guidance and direction, allowing them to maximize their efficiencies and improve their resource utilization, thus improving care and outcomes while reducing costs.